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Hospital Board meeting May 23, 2001

The Paynesville Area Hospital District met on Wednesday, May 23.

• The board learned the bids for asbestos removal related to the renovation project came in at $84,300, or $34,000 more than budgeted. PAHCS effectively has nearly a half million dollars in contingency, according to construction manager Kevin Becker.

PAHCS did not take the low bidder; but took the low bidder for unit price, as the exact amount of asbestos cannot be known, and change orders will be needed. System administrator Willie LaCroix told the board he checked with legal counsel and low unit price is an acceptable reason to deviate from the low bidder.

• The board learned that Dr. Clemma Nash is leaving PAHCS effective May 25, to pursue other interests.

• LaCroix announced his retirement to the board. LaCroix plans to retire on May 1, 2003, two years from now. LaCroix told the board he wants to make the transition to a new administrator as smooth as possible. He recommended the board form a search committee as soon as January to start looking for a replacement administrator; either from within the system or from elsewhere.

• The board was updated on the system's new computer system. The scheduler was installed over the Memorial Day weekend and should be on live starting Tuesday, May 29.

This weekend, financial information will be switched to the new system, and PAHCS customer should receive one comprehensive bill in the future, instead of separate hospital and clinic bills.

PAHCS is seeking a $359,000 grant from the United States Department of Agriculture to cover the hardware, software, and satellite links needed for the new system and to link it to the computers in the satellite clinics.

Board meeting April 25,2001
• The board granted medical privileges to Dr. Daniel Tiede (cardiologist) and Sherree Engen, nurse practitioner (anesthetist).

• The board acknowledged a $500 donation from the Lions Club for the system's child injury prevention programs: the child car seat program and the bike helmet program.

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