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Hospital Board meeting June 27, 2001

The Paynesville Area Hospital District took the following actions at their meeting on Wednesday, June 27.

• The board acknowledged a $264,071 grant from the United States Department of Agriculture Rural Utilities Service Distance Learning and Telemedicine Grant. This grant will be used on a new system-wide computer scheduling, billing, and medical records program.

• The board approved an insurance coverage policy for retired employees. To be eligible employees must have worked the equivalent of 20 years full time and currently be covered by the hospital's health insurance. (Click for full story.)

• The board recognized a chairman's committee to search for a new CEO. Current CEO Willie LaCroix has announced his intention to retire in May 2003. "The time is right," said board chairman Don Thomes. "If we don't act now we could find ourselves with some problems. Two years is not a long time to find someone and get them on board."

Serving with Thomes on the committee will be board members Doug Ruhland, Diane Rothstein, Carolyn Swyter, and Don Anderson.

• The board acknowledged a physician's committee to look at surgical coverage and to examine the possibility of hiring a surgeon. The medical staff has appointed three physicians � Dr. Bob Gardner, Dr. Randy Nelson, and Dr. Allan Solum � to research this issue.

• The board approved a resolution for a $6.9 million bond for their current building project. The bonds will be a 22-year obligation that mature on June 30, 2023. Interest will be 5.25 percent per year.

• The board also acknowledged a $250 donation from Stearns Electric Association's Operation Round Up Program for the PAHCS Auxiliary's effort to build a chapel in the Koronis Manor. The project is estimated to cost at least $5,000.

• The board approved Allen Ingenito, M.D. (neurology), as having completed the provisional period. The board extended the provisional period for Benjamin Rhee, M.D. (urology), who has had provisional privileges but has yet to use the PAHCS facility.

• The board approved an additional privilege for Dr. Randy Zimmerman. He has been trained and now will be allowed to try to turn a breech baby's position in order for a normal delivery. This procedure must be scheduled, and a caesarean section must be available, which Zimmerman can also do.

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