Representatives from PAHCS, Hilltop Care Center and Watkins make trip to MN State Capitol


40 members from the Watkins community, Hilltop Care Center and Paynesville Area Health Care System traveled to the Minnesota State Capitol on March 21, 2011 to provide testimony in support of Bill #SF87. This bill would allow for an operating rate adjustment, effective October 1, for a nursing facility if it is located within a quarter mile from another county who receives a higher per diem per resident bed.

Hilltop Care Center, located in Meeker County, has continually received a Five Star Facility rating and is ranked 34 out of 386 in the Quality of Life Survey for nursing home facilities in Minnesota. However, despite its excellent reputation and rankings, it receives lower reimbursement rates based solely on its location. Long term care facilities in Stearns County receive $18 to $35 higher reimbursement per day for each resident than facilities in Meeker County, Representative’s Dean Urdahl and Larry Hoesch, along with Senators Scott Newman and Michele Fishbach have been instrumental in authoring, and co-authoring the bills for nursing home rate adjustments. Administration from Hilltop Care Center and Paynesville Area Health Care System appreciate the strong support from members of the Watkins City Council along with concerned members from the community who are committed to fair reimbursement for the care given to residents of Meeker County.

If you would like to share your comments or support for this bill, we encourage you to contact your MN State representative or senator.

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