Patient SAFETY


One of PAHCS' goals is to encourage and support open and honest communication with you, your family, and your health care team.
We participate in the Minnesota Hospital Association's Patient Safety Registry. This provides us with the latest safety information from around the state. We encourage you, your family, and staff to speak up if there is a safety concern. It is our policy to be open and honest with you and your family by informing you of the potential results of your care, including unexpected results. We encourage you to designate a family spokesperson to help communication with your family and the health care team. We encourage you to complete a satisfaction survey. We survey our patients to learn about their hospital stay experience. We review these surveys and make changes as a result of your comments. We welcome the opportunity to discuss the care you receive. If you have comments, questions, or concerns, please contact us at [email protected].

Consumer Tips
Medication Safety

  • Ask the doctor and pharmacist about the medicine. What is the name, benefits, and possible side effects or reactions with other medications or food/beverages?
  • What is it? Make sure you know the name and color of the medicine. Take medicine in well-lit areas. What is it for? Make sure you know why the medicine is being taken. How do I take it? Ask the doctor or pharmacist to explain how to take the medicine and how often it should be taken. What should I look for? Ask what the results should be and possible reactions.
  • Double-Check Your Prescription
  • Before you leave the pharmacy, check your medicine to make sure it was prepared for you. Speak up before you leave because pharmacies typically do not take back medicine once it has been purchased.
  • Discuss Previous Allergies or Reactions
  • Make sure the doctors, nurses and pharmacists know about any allergies or reactions to drugs you or your family member might have.

Brown Bag It

Bring the medicines or a list to every appointment. Include over-the-counter, herbal, or dietary drugs. Throw away old medicines.

Have Someone With You

Bring a family member or friend who knows your medical history and who can also ask questions. This can help to ensure the best care possible. Family members often provide the comfort and support needed to promote your return to good health.

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